The National Ecological Company signs an investment contract

The National Ecological Company signed an investment contract with the Administration of the Novomoskovsk district of the Tula region to  build a waste sorting complex (WSC) with the annual capacity of 100,000 tons of solid waste and to create new dumps for solid waste disposal.  The new complex will fully satisfy the district's needs in waste utilization. Investment in the construction of a WSC will amount to 290 million rubles.
A tender among contractor organizations for the construction and supply of equipment is planned before the start of the construction. The design of the complex and receipt of the necessary permit documentation is supposed to be completed by the end of 2008. The construction of the WSC and the launch of the dump construction are scheduled for 2009.
The complex works on an ecologically clean technology of sorting solid waste. The technology will help 23,000 tons of recycled materials (iron and base metals, plastics, etc.) return to the economy meeting international working standards for such complexes (extraction of up to 23 percent of recycled material on average). After sorting, the extraction of recycled material and compression, the non-utility components for waste utilization will amount to 16 percent of the initial amount of solid waste extending the operational life cycle of the dumps by several times.  
Technologies used in this project have been successfully applied at waste sorting complexes in Europe and in the USA. In Russia, similar complexes are already working in Belgorod and Ryazan. The innovative element of the project is that the construction of the complex will be accompanied by the creation of new generation dumps, including several sections for different types of waste. Nowadays it is the most ecologically optimal solution that allows ensuring full security of the environment from diffusion of harmful substances. 
The construction of a waste sorting complex in Novomoskovsk is the first step in implementing a long-term investment strategy of the company that provides for the creation of a network of new generation waste sorting complexes to service the most densely populated areas all over Russia. The National Ecological Company is a rapidly growing Russian company working in the field of waste management. It is the first Russian full-cycle ecological company that includes all stages in the sphere of waste management, from waste collection and sanitation to its deep recycling, sales of recycled material and disposal of non-utility components.  Package of services provided by the NEC also include ecology consulting, in particular the development of regional strategies of waste management.
Presently the National Ecological Company is fulfilling three investment projects in the Tula region, the Stavropol region and the Moscow Region. Negotiations with the local administrations on the construction of a series of new waste garbage disposal complexes are underway in more than twenty municipal entities of the Central Federal District, the Southern Federal District and the Privolzhsky Federal District. By now, agreements have been reached with government agencies of eight regions of the Russian Federation to develop long-term strategies of waste management.
The waste management industry has a large growth potential in Russia. According to 2007 data, of 54 million tons of waste produced less than 9 percent is recycled, while most of it is taken away to the dumps to be disposed of without sorting. At present a number of Russian dumps work above design capacities. In the United States 79 out of 245 million tons of waste (i.e. 32 percent) are recycled and this figure keeps growing every year.


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