ROEL Group of Companies participated in Economic Forum 2016 which took place in Krasnoyarsk

Economic Forum 2016 was held in the period from the 18th to the 20th of February. The
executives of the company visited the event.  

While discussing development strategy of Krasnoyarsk region in general and improvement of the municipal transport system effectiveness in particular ROEL made the presentation of its new project (Light rail system development in Krasnoyarsk). Within this program it is planned to build modern transport system to satisfy the needs of the agglomeration (according to the project «Big Krasnoyarsk»).  Municipal tram system modernization, building new transit lines between the left and right city banks and integration of the modern municipal tram with the semicircular traffic of the electrical multiple unit train (by the implementation of modern technologies) will allow to develop one of the largest passenger transport systems not only in the Central and Eastern Siberia but also in the whole Russia.


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ROEL Group of Companies

Prospekt Vernadskogo, 37 Bldg. 1 ,
119415, Moscow, Russia
Tel.: +7 495 600 49 99,
Fax: + 7 495 600 49 98