RUSELPROM concern's energy efficient innovation is recognized by the Hannover exhibition
The expert committee of the German Agriculture Society (DLG) decided to award the Belarus-3023 energy efficient tractor with electric transmission created by the RUSELPROM Concern with a Silver medal of the Agritechnica-2009 international exhibition.
The technical solution which has no analogues in the world helps save up to 30% of fuel and cut costs on tractor service. Tractors with such transmissions can be used as a motive source of electricity with a power of up to 172 kWt in faraway and hard-to-get regions.
With low operating costs, agriculture machines equipped with electric transmission have a number of additional advantages, including reliability of service, the lack of necessity of heating up, minimal service requirements and the possibility of a quick failure detection. Tractor driving was significantly improved thanks to the usage of a speed changer which helps change the speed of movement smoothly. The solution is also justified from the ecological point of view. When working together with a diesel engine, the system operates in an optimal regime which cuts environmental emissions.
The prize distribution ceremony will take place while the exhibition is working, in November 2009 in Hannover (Germany). More than 2 000 producers of agricultural machines from 45 countries participate in the exhibition. Belarus received the exclusive award along with production of such famous companies as John Deer from the United States and Germany’s CLAAS in the tractor industry nomination.
The joint design by the Minsk Tractor Factory and RUSELPROM, a Russian electro technical concern, was the only innovation from the CIS among 33 prize winners selected by organizational committee members from more than 300 nominees.
“We are happy that achievements of Russian innovative machine-building received international recognition,” said RUSELPROM-Electroprivod General Director Stanislav Floretsev. “While the Russian economy is transferring to an energy efficient model, the electric transmission developed by our concern opens up new possibilities to tap foreign markets of high-tech production for producers from the former Soviet Union.”
The history of the Hannover exhibition, which is considered to be the market for innovations for agricultural machine-building, goes more than 20 years back. No development from Russia or the CIS states had been recognized by DLG experts, including world-class experts, before the hybrid tractor received the award. Lev Makarov, chief designer of the RUSELPROM concern, noted: “Despite the crisis, we are consistently moving to our goal, the creation of competitive technical solutions, including for agricultural market, which needs high technologies as much as industry, energy and other branches of the economy.”