RUSELPROM Concern starts equipment delivery for the construction and launch of Zagorskaya GAES-2, one of Russia’s most important energy sources. It is designed to accumulate energy to cover peak loads of the unified system. The contract amounts to 2.32 bln rubles.
The first lot of equipment weighing over 150 tons was delivered at the end of November – first 10 days of December 2009.
While executing the 2009-2014 contract, RUSELPROM Concern will supply 4 generator-engines with excitation systems for them which will help achieve the design capacity of 840 MWt for the hydro accumulating station located in the Moscow region. In 2010, equipment, joints and units for two generator-engines will be fully produced and delivered to Zagorskaya GAES-2.
RusHydro JSC representatives visited companies of the Concern which participate in the design and production of units and machines for the Zagorskaya GAES-2 project – Leningradsky Elektromashinostroitelny Zavod (St Petersburg), Safonovsky Elektromashinostroitelny Zavod (Smolensk region), RUSELPROM-Engineering (Yekaterinburg) and RUSELPROM-Elektromash (St Petersburg) at the end of November-start of December 2009.
While visiting RUSELPROM-Elektromash, which designs and produces excitation systems, RUSELPROM specialists successfully tested the equipment meant for installation at the Zagorskaya GAES-2 in the presence of RusHydro representatives. Client’s representatives were also acquainted with production processes and the equipment which fulfills the order and highly praised the quality of the product.
In October 2007, RUSELPROM Concern won an open one-stage contest announced by RusHydro, of which Zagorskaya GAES-2 makes part as a branch, to develop, produce and deliver generator-engines. When the construction is over, Zagorskaya GAES-2 will become Russia’s second by capacity and third in succession hydro accumulating electric station whose launch is scheduled for 2014.