The NEC proposed a set of measures to terminate radiological terrorism to Rostechnadzor

The National Ecology Company together with the Unified National Dispatcher System proposed a set of solutions to neutralize derelict sources of ionizing radiation to the Federal Service on Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor). The proposals were voiced by National Ecology Company leading expert Boris Mantsurov in the Ecological Safety in the Light of Radiological Terrorism report at the Radiological Terrorism Inhibition international scientific and practical conference held by the CIS Antiterrorist Committee in the framework of the XIII Interpolytech-2009 international exhibition.
Specialists of the companies proposed monitoring methods, ways of isolation and evacuation of emission sources, land reclamation and replacement of radioisotope generators with ecologically clean solar and tidal stand alone power plants to stop the usage of radioactive materials by terrorists and to prevent ecologic catastrophes.   
Boris Mantsurov noted that “The National Ecology Company welcomes the joint efforts of the government and business in solving key problems of ecological safety. The cooperation is of a great potential, the implementation of which will help diminish dangers for country citizens and provide a comfort life for future generations.”
The Interpolytech exhibition is Russia’s only event on state security with a federal status. In 2009, over 300 companies from Russia, CIS countries, USA, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, UAE, Taiwan and other countries participated in the Interpolytech exhibition. The number of visitors of the exhibition exceeded 25 000.


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