ROEL Project Management executive director uses his experience in the successful restructuring of enterprises

The ROEL Group of Companies became a partner of the "Increasing the Net Worth of Business"  practical conference held annually by the "Moscow Times." The conference took place on May 28, 2008 in Moscow. In the course of the conference, experts from leading companies shared their experience with the audience in effecting M&A deals, restructuring and sale of businesses.
Representatives of Delta Private Equity Partners, OJSC Mobile TeleSystems, KPMG consulting group, DELOSHOP Ready Business Store, Allianz international insurance group and others spoke at the conference.
ROEL Project Management Executive Director Lev Tretyakov delivered his report on "Restructuring as an instrument of increasing net worth of a business." 
In his speech, he pointed out that the ROEL Group of Companies has an extensive experience in restructuring enterprises which is proven by a track record of more than 200 companies restructured in the 15 years of ROEL's operations in the field. 
"Enterprises we work with may need operative or strategic restructuring," Lev Tretyakov stresses. "The first type of restructuring is applied to bring the company to a breakeven level, return it to effective economy, make it more viable and stable. The second type is applied in order to improve its competitiveness, adaptability, increase its capitalization and promote interests of investors in such a company."
Lev Tretyakov said that while restructuring enterprises, the ROEL Group created efficient management teams, improved the level of corporate management, implemented innovative management and production solutions, raised funds for development and modernization programs, organized reorganization of the enterprise's financial system.
The conference was attended by more than 120 delegates that represented leading Russian companies.


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ROEL Group of Companies

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